
dtgla...dtgla... dtgla.. IDEA...dtg ea..haha...
aku xde idea nie... nk kena baca poem kt klas public speaking senin dpn...
poem x cari lagi...siap kena wat slide.. ade judge nk komen2 lak tu

tp.. aku jwb tag dr ita dulu ek...hehe (^_^)V

1. Name one person who make you laugh last night?
smlm gelak sket je.. tp x ikhlas.. oh! nk name ek.. abg s (sori ye..x ikhlas gelak..xde mood)

2.What were you doing at 0800?
siap2 gi klas..lmbt gi klas arini..

3.What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
mkn roti canai planta kt kafe... seyes lame tggu br dpt.. mmg bgs amt!!!

4.What happened to you in 2006?
nk tulis laporan tahunan 2006 ker...adeh..xyah la tahu.. yg pasti time tuh dosa kurg dari skrg... makin lame makin byk dosa..

5.What was the last thing you said out loud?
monolog sudah.. haha..

6.How many beverages did you have today?
air tembikai.. air masak jap gi.. lg 1.5 liter kena abeh kn..

7.What color is your hairbrush?
ungu lavender...

8.Was was the last thing you paid for?
roti planta rm1.30

9.Where were you last night?
clubbing ar pe lagi beb..kate hip... ish2.. x x x..kt bilik je..hoho

10. What color is your front door?
color biru ala2 green..sume bilik sma je color.. ;p (amik je jwpn ita)

11.Where do you keep your change?
haha..xmo bgtau..nnt kena rompak bkn korg nk tlg ganti wit tuh.. :P

12.What's the weather like today?
kalo kt New York 31 degree selsius.. nape New York??? biar ar..

13.What's the best ice-cream flavor?
ais ketul..haha.. xpon yg xde rase..sng imagine je nk rase ape..hahaha

14.What excites you?
wat mase skrg.. chicken chop!!!! bile nk dpt nie.....

15.Do you want to cut your hair?
haah..buleh x mama...

16. Are you over the age of 25?
lom lagi...abg s ye..haha

17.Do you talk a lot?
ye.. ngan geng ar..

18.Do you watch the O.C?
mende ape tuh..

19.Do you know anyone named steven?

ade2.. tp x rpt la..

20.Do you make up your own words? kot..maybe..perhaps...ntah

21. Are you a jealous person?


22.Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'A'.

arashi..haha..xla...afdlin shauki..x x x..aznil..paknil tuh... ok2..adilah!!! miz u babe..

23.Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'K'.

xmo "K" so "Z" bleh ek.. sir zaini..huhhu..

24. Who's the first person on your received call list?


25.What does the last text message you received say?

td maxis yg bg...xbace pon.. buhsan..promote calleringtone ar tuh..buhsan!

26. Do you chew on you straw?

bakpe kunyah straw.. tau x bende plastik...

27.Do you have curly hair?

shibuk je nk tahu..

28. Where's the next place you're going to?

nk gi jmpe abg s... haha.. nk kena pelankung ngan mama??? sudah..

29.Who's the rudest person in your life?

ala kalo tahu pon..konk saman ker...

30.What was the last thing you ate?

roti planta..

31.Will you get married in the future?

xde time machine ar nk gi tgk future tuh ...

32. What's the best movie you've seen in the past 2 weeks?

byk la.. sumer dlm HD.. XD

33.Is there anyone you like right now?

haah.. :)

34. When was the last time you did the dishes?


35. Are you currently depressed?

serabot jer..

36.Did you cry today?

lom lg...hoho

37. Tag 1,2,3,4 or 5 people who would do this survey.





sila lah ye jwb.. utk yg xde blog tuh sila2 wat blog dulu...hahha XD

p/s: perluke nk demand sgt...sedar sket... oooopppppssss...EMO!!!


hehe..title tuh... x kesah la.. suke3.. XD

saje ltk pic sopan je..hehe

thanx dear...

ye..abg s yg bagi.. XD

p/s : thanx to mary tlg amikkn kt jhepa..hehe

tag dari kak fanie..hehe

salam... ari nie x stabil sket.. hoho.. emosi terganggu..('_')"

1. Anda rasa anda hot??

ya..kerana saya mamalia..berdarah panas

2. Upload gambar kegemaran anda

3. Kenapa anda suka gambar ini?

kerana tatkala itu.. saya pakai skirt..haha.. bkn sng abg hazrin bg izin pakai skirt..hehe [kt blkg abg hazrin yg berdiri..abg daus duduk.. rebut nk mainan kot..]

4. Bila kali terakhir kamu makan pizza?
ngan rumate bahgia..siap ade kecurian..oh..biler nk pulangkn..ayok!!!

5. Lagu terakhir yang kamu dengar?

Can't help falling in love - UB40...layan..suke3 XD

6. Apa yang anda sedang buat sekarang ini selain menyelesaikan tag ini?
bace onlinenovel...

7. Selain nama kamu sendiri, apakah lagi nama yang kamu suka orang panggil kamu? saudari..ngan _ _ _ _ _ ...hehe..dier tau la (^_^)

8. Tag lagi lima orang

1-abg fariq

2- diey

3-mek zila


5- pojie

9. Siapa orang nombor satu?
hubby cikma..abuya yeop..

10. Orang nombor tiga ada hubungan dengan siapa?
bakal suami beliau.. (chuckle) semoga berbahagia.. so happy 4 you..

11. Katakan sesuatu berkenaan org nombor lima
perkataan faveret beliau "lengkung"...frens 4 eva gie~~~

12. Bagaimana pula dengan orang nombot empat?
adek beliau lawa...beliau manis...hehe..nk gak mention adek..hoho

13. Siapakah orang nombor dua?
mokcik...sgt seswai ngan skrf mkck ...tersendiri..unique..why?? sape pnh tgk tahu la...XD

p/s : hati galau...runsing2...jiwa saket tahan rindu dekat...........................................balqis!!! :P haha....xmo propa~~~ hehe...

kena tag ngan emma

1)Go to your photos folder in your computer.
2)Go to the 6th folder of photos.
3)Go to the 6th picture in that folder.
5)Put the picture on your blog and description of it.
6)Invite six friends to join the challenge.
7)Link them in your blog and let them know they have been challenge

gamba mase besday cheqah n nadia..kena serang ngan bedak..


naseb la gamba yg nie terpilih...hehe

nk tag sape???

  1. abg fariq
  2. pojie
  3. nadiahgurlfromocean
  4. cheqah
  5. faniekawati
  6. kari-abahygbest-

haha.. sape nk wat tag nie pon sile2..tarak kesah..hehe

p/s: kamus..speech..lalalalala

arigato gozaimasu XD


ahad.. pergi mkn2 kt tanjong lumpur.. fanieka mahu blanje.. ngehngeh..

waida..dc.. aku..ondaway gi tg lumpur..
driver..adek fani Mr Afiq..duk dpn..wawa
(aku first time pg Tg. Lumpur..hehe)

gurlz (sumer dh lapar..)

... kak fani @ angah...{yg blanje ktorg....thanx fani..semoga dirimu murah rezki dan dipermudahkn urusan dunia akhirat....btw..fani nmpk kulos..hehe}

mak2 ngah pilih2 lauk utk ank2...hehe

jejaka2 yg hadir... namie n afiq

kelahapan terserlah...hoho

hoho...lenkali leh blanje lg ek.. XD

cik za.. bangga dgn pose begini.. aku snap je.. lol


Rabu.. lps klas nihon-go.. gi koop nk bli roti.. jmpe lak frankie..peedot .. mary n ema... peedot blanje aeskrem.. hehe.. thanx peedot.. XD

thanx peedot...blanje aku..maryam...n ema..
semoga murah rezki..n dipermudahkan urusan dunia akhirat... (^_^)

p/s: mahu mkn chicken chop... (-,-)"... rindu sama aeskrem 20sen...

polis entri...lalalala...

duk menung dpn laptop.... jari pon gatal gi klik

eh..sign in pule..heeee..

td ade klas public speaking.. ari nie klas agak game yg soal siasat ala csi..

ade 2 team.. suspek ngan police officer.. aku lak grup polis

kena soal berkenaan kes rompakan kt skolah.. duit kena rompak.. so ade la suspek..yg kater gi cinema n restoran.. soal punyer soal..byk gak la soklannyer maleh nk taip.. aku kena soal nadi..

cam hampeh je.. bi pon tunggang langgang ngan gelak2 lg... nadi ok..kool ke..

abes soal2 kena present yg kiter nk conclude la.. nk kate dierorg guilty ke x..

tu aktibiti mase klas.. tp yg amt menariknyer adlh biler gosip ngan lecturer..hahaha.. beliau mmg suker citer ... lyn ar kesah romantika beliau ngan..MR idon'tknowho...hehe.. pojie ngan ammar pon layan jer..hehe.. best je ade cekgu yg sporting amt gitu.. maybe dier rase rapat..ktorg mmg sempoi..nk citer ok jer.. mendengar dgn penuh prihatin n bg respon yg memberansangkn...haha..


biler men td.. teringat mase form 2 dulu.. klass bi gak.. miss bg game.. lebey kurg la..

tp game nyer gini..

# kena ade moderator utk conduct nnti..

1) bahagi kan grup.. xkesah la bape korg nk letak dlm grup tuh.. lg byk grup lg best.. pepandai la nk decide..

2) korg tetapkan 1 pekerjaan utk grup korg stp grup kena ade 1 job.. cth: doktor, guru, salesman, dll. Rahsiekan job korg utk grup len teka..

3) korg kena prepare soklan utk tny kt grup laen utk tahu job dierorg.. [ kerja kt skolah ke..? , kerja rawat merawat ke...dll.]

4) TAPI... utk jawab.. bleh jawab YES.. NO .. SOMETIMES.. jwpn laen tricky part kt sini la.. kena tahu jawapan yg berkaitan ngan job korg...

5) ha.. biler dh tny n dh jwb.. ikot turn tau... nie tugas moderator.. kena make sure sumer berjln lancar..lastly dh abeh sokaln.. leh ar teka job nyer ape...hehe..

so.. aku enjoy la men dulu XD ... sonok sbb org x dpt teka job grup aku pe.. hehehe.. kire ktorg byk jwb sumtimes je...hoho..

p/s: bukak paip.. air xde..tutup balik..kecewa.. sabar2...------->>>ops mencari air..

air mata---> termenung----> kekenyangan.... XD

...nurkharissa balqis..

ari nie pagi2 aku dh nk kol mama.. xla pg na kol 8.58am..saje nk tnye kaba.. kol hp.. x angkat.. kol umah dangau x angkat.. dh rase sedey dh.. sensitip pule .. kol seri cempaka.. baru angkat.. tp bkn mama.. tp makwe yg ckp....trs wish hepi bessday.. hehe.. besday makwe ari nie dgn ucapan tulus ikhlas..semoga panjang umur..murah rezki.. n tambah cucu lg..hahhha.. gelak2 lagi..lepastu baru dpt ckp ngan mama...dgr cam meriah je umh seri cempaka tuh.. rmi rupernyer..ngah minom pagi...mkn nasi goreng makwe msk.. huh..jeles!! haha.. tny kaba sumer.. so aku pon tny.. cucu mama blk ker?... x pon.. pulak.. ingat blk.. musykil lak.. hahaha..rindu amat kt balqis.. xpe la ..nnti2 kiter jumpe k.. pehtu nk kuar air mata bile sembang2 ngan mama.. ye ar citer psl kamis lps.. abg hazrin kol.. kater dier lalu je dpn ump.. xmo sggh pon.. nk terus blk kl.. smpi ati x sggh.. xpe ar.. time dier kol aku mamai.. so xde feel sgt.. tp bile citer kt mama.. bakpe sensitip lak... cengeng!!! abes sumer kt cempaka sari tau aku nanges...haha..pedulikan.. sembang ngan makwe lak.. kena motivasi sket.. ok ar blk... pehtu sembang bese2 je...

roti canai ------>>>> johny kt ecm..huhu

kol 9am kot x silap..aku dh dlm kete si naqib.. haaa... sebenarnya aku ngan seha tmn anis gi bank... dier nk masukkn duit.. teman je ar.. sbb cadang nk bekpes kt luar..konon ar nk mkn roti canai... haha..aleh2 x jadi...kol 9.32 am.. gi sggh shell isi minyak.. seha yg byr...

seha: byr mane??? sini ea..

mat bangla:byr sini.. brape?

seha: enam.. (senyum)

mat bangla: enam belas.. (senyum)

seha: eh x.. 6 ringgit jer..hehe (sengih)

matbangla: (angguk.. sengih)

haha.. ktorg isi RM 6 sudah.. so sorg byr rm 2..lyn..smpi bank kol 9.55 am..tmn anis gi bank..dh selesai urusan..igt nk terus gi ecm(east coast mall) ..leh plak sggh bli nasik lemak utk bekal tgh ari... pehtu teruskan perjalanan ke ecm..smpi kt ecm.. ktorg tgk.. byk kedai yg dh sumer baru nk kemas2..x kesah la.. then menuju ke restoran johny..haaaa...layan steambot.. amik set yg murah2 jer... tp puas gak ar mkn...hehe...

kol 11.45 am rasenyer bertolak blk ump.. sewa keter smpi kol 12 je..hahaha.. pecut la anis..yg aku byk termenung je dlm keter.. igt saper ntah.. (chuckle) smpi ump kol 12.19.. naqib dh kol ar..tny ktne.. sbb dier nk gune keter... naqib kn baek..haha..

nie.. nasik lemak nk mkn biler..haha.. mate ngantuk dah.. biler nk layan pci??? xtahu2..hoho..

p/s: air mata tumpah...fikiran melayang.. hati ntah mane...

know ur self..... - this is a reality issue -

what i need 2 hear most is what i want 2 hear last.... btul ke.. ok2.. lyn je list nih..

~~ i am impatient ( btul la tuh...)
~~ i am unrealistic about time tasks take and how difficult most process are ( suke na tggh keje..last minit kelam kabut..pehtu x ikhlas wat keje..hehe)
~~ i don't like to give a lot of time or effort to people's emotional concern.. ( kdg2 mls nk lyn... tp gossip slalu je XD.. typical!! )
~~i overestimate the ability of others.. ( ye kot.. tp kalo kecewa naseb ar..)
~~ i assume too much.. (haa.. nie saje je wat otak penat pikir..pehtu tension..pdn muker..)
~~ i want options --- so many that i drive everyone crazy.. ( haha..nie mcm sape??? .. :P )
~~ i don't care for rules n restrictions..( kdg2 redah gak...peduli ape.. tp slalu ikot ar rules tuh..)
~~ i determine my priorities quickly n expect others to have similar attitudes.. ( yeke?? laen org laen ragamnyer... )
~~ i process issues quickly and want to move on --- even when other people aren't ready to... ( btul gak tuh..x sabar2 n x consider org sumtimes je la..hehe..)

haaa..amik tuh..sumer not sumer tuh reality.. what am i to do about it?????

nihon-go !!!!

salam..yeay!! dpt gak blaja bahase asing sem nie... setelah 3 mggu xde klas...

igt nk amik bahase jerman.. aleh2 kena amik jepon.. layan jer.. hehehe..

sensei comey.. Pn Sharina.. wajah keibuan terserlah..wah gitu..

aku partner ngan yana gediks..hahha..

pg klas dlm keadaan perut x selesa..haha phm2 jela..senget.. x sehat perut cenggini..

teringat lak mase klas public speaking.. takut nk gi toilet.. muka mcm nk nek biru menahan..

pojie lak bukak citer puaka niyang rapik... elok sgt la.. lg aku gigih thn nk gi toilet.. hahaha..

hehe..xpe la.. balik klas je lps hajat tuh.. haaha..

blk ke tajuk tu ha.. nihon-go.. baru ade intro.. rmi gak dlm klas nie.. jejake 3 org jer..

gadis sumer comey2 ..haha..

tp td terpikir lak sblm sensei dtg... sape dak klas yg maintain vogue sepanjang sem..huhu

yana ar.. leh plak dier tny.. aku xde ar.. kdg2 je vogue nie..(perasan2) gaye sempoi je slalu..

dh la.. xde idea dh.. hehe...

baru jer...

salam...aku baru je nk mule...slow2

haha..nk tmbh sket nih...penghargaan la nk bg kt cik nur.. eh.. cik diey...
sbb dier aku tahu la nk wat blog nie..
byk lg mende2 nk upgrade kt blog nie.. sile2 la bagi komen n nasehat utk up kn lg blog aku...
