
dtgla...dtgla... dtgla.. IDEA...dtg ea..haha...
aku xde idea nie... nk kena baca poem kt klas public speaking senin dpn...
poem x cari lagi...siap kena wat slide.. ade judge nk komen2 lak tu

tp.. aku jwb tag dr ita dulu ek...hehe (^_^)V

1. Name one person who make you laugh last night?
smlm gelak sket je.. tp x ikhlas.. oh! nk name ek.. abg s (sori ye..x ikhlas gelak..xde mood)

2.What were you doing at 0800?
siap2 gi klas..lmbt gi klas arini..

3.What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
mkn roti canai planta kt kafe... seyes lame tggu br dpt.. mmg bgs amt!!!

4.What happened to you in 2006?
nk tulis laporan tahunan 2006 ker...adeh..xyah la tahu.. yg pasti time tuh dosa kurg dari skrg... makin lame makin byk dosa..

5.What was the last thing you said out loud?
monolog sudah.. haha..

6.How many beverages did you have today?
air tembikai.. air masak jap gi.. lg 1.5 liter kena abeh kn..

7.What color is your hairbrush?
ungu lavender...

8.Was was the last thing you paid for?
roti planta rm1.30

9.Where were you last night?
clubbing ar pe lagi beb..kate hip... ish2.. x x x..kt bilik je..hoho

10. What color is your front door?
color biru ala2 green..sume bilik sma je color.. ;p (amik je jwpn ita)

11.Where do you keep your change?
haha..xmo bgtau..nnt kena rompak bkn korg nk tlg ganti wit tuh.. :P

12.What's the weather like today?
kalo kt New York 31 degree selsius.. nape New York??? biar ar..

13.What's the best ice-cream flavor?
ais ketul..haha.. xpon yg xde rase..sng imagine je nk rase ape..hahaha

14.What excites you?
wat mase skrg.. chicken chop!!!! bile nk dpt nie.....

15.Do you want to cut your hair?
haah..buleh x mama...

16. Are you over the age of 25?
lom lagi...abg s ye..haha

17.Do you talk a lot?
ye.. ngan geng ar..

18.Do you watch the O.C?
mende ape tuh..

19.Do you know anyone named steven?

ade2.. tp x rpt la..

20.Do you make up your own words? kot..maybe..perhaps...ntah

21. Are you a jealous person?


22.Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'A'.

arashi..haha..xla...afdlin shauki..x x x..aznil..paknil tuh... ok2..adilah!!! miz u babe..

23.Name a friend whose name starts with the letter 'K'.

xmo "K" so "Z" bleh ek.. sir zaini..huhhu..

24. Who's the first person on your received call list?


25.What does the last text message you received say?

td maxis yg bg...xbace pon.. buhsan..promote calleringtone ar tuh..buhsan!

26. Do you chew on you straw?

bakpe kunyah straw.. tau x bende plastik...

27.Do you have curly hair?

shibuk je nk tahu..

28. Where's the next place you're going to?

nk gi jmpe abg s... haha.. nk kena pelankung ngan mama??? sudah..

29.Who's the rudest person in your life?

ala kalo tahu pon..konk saman ker...

30.What was the last thing you ate?

roti planta..

31.Will you get married in the future?

xde time machine ar nk gi tgk future tuh ...

32. What's the best movie you've seen in the past 2 weeks?

byk la.. sumer dlm HD.. XD

33.Is there anyone you like right now?

haah.. :)

34. When was the last time you did the dishes?


35. Are you currently depressed?

serabot jer..

36.Did you cry today?

lom lg...hoho

37. Tag 1,2,3,4 or 5 people who would do this survey.





sila lah ye jwb.. utk yg xde blog tuh sila2 wat blog dulu...hahha XD

p/s: perluke nk demand sgt...sedar sket... oooopppppssss...EMO!!!


~bUttErfLy_1207~ said...

achik2...jom2 mkn chicken chop?

samraa said...


haha...seyes ke? baru plan nk kuar ngan mieda jmmt nie..hehe.. cer abg K****...huhu

NAdi said...

ak dpt bygkn ak bakal dihujani dgn gelak tawa korg mggu dpn..

sbb ak rs ak akan bace poem secara monotone & tanpa perasaan..

dem..serius ak xleh nk ubah.dh tu nature ak..


chopp! jgn amik poem ak..
alone by edgar allan poe..

samraa said...


hoho...nk tgk sket cara ko monolog utk sajak..ahaks!!

iManAzRaf said...

bel... aku nmpk..
kih2... dihujung bucu sblh kanan.. muahaha...

samraa said...

haha...ko nmpk per..ish2..XD